Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"In life as in football ,you wont go far unless you know where goalpost are " ~Arnold H. Glashgow 

   What this quote is trying to tell me is you have to set a goal for your self to achive that something.Like in soccer you have to know where your goal is to make a goal in the net or you need to know where your team members are in order to pass them the ball .Those where some goal but you can put goal in any thing really.In school your goal is to be in the gold list the you have to pick up your grade to achive it.

Friday, February 19, 2016

"Only those live who do good "~ Count  Leo Tolstoy  

What this quote mean to me is even to you die you will still live in the heart of the  people who love .Or if you do something good for the world you will never be forgotten .Let take Martin Luther King he fought for the right of colored  skin people and now we celebrate martin Luther kings birthday .Or like veterans recognize those who fought for us .

Friday, February 12, 2016

"I hate poverty .poverty is more of a choice than anything else and i can change that (poverty).It depends upon how hard i want to work and i decide that i would change it."~Dr.Ben Carson 

This quote by Dr. B.Carson mean that you can accomplish anything when you you work hard for it .You have determination and that will get you far. You have to educate you self in school and out side of school. Education is the key to life and life is the door . Like Dr. Ben he went to the bottom of his class to the world known doctor to running for present determination got him there and his hard work to .Be like Ben and educate your self  !!! 

"Presidents day "

President day is originally  celebrated on the third Monday of February . Originally made in 1885 in the honor of George Washington. Originally called Washington Birthday by the feral government . president doesn't really land on Washington Brittany but still called Washington Birthday.
President's Day never falls on the actual birthday of any American president. Four chief executives—George Washington, William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan_were born in February, but their birthdays all come either too early or late to coincide with Presidents’ Day, which is always celebrated on the third Monday of the month.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


What i think this quote means to me is if you choose to do something ,lets say a test  and it turn out to be right but you chose the wrong by cheating , then its not right in doing .What was the point of you trying to get it right when you chose the wrong in doing the test, sure it feel great when you get something right but it feel even worse when you know you did wrong in getting there. If you do something ,lets also say a test  and it turn out to be wrong but you know you did the right by like trying , then YOU CHOSE THE RIGHT! You might feel bad cause you got it wrong but you try and that was doing the right thing instead of cheating your self up there .